Automated Groups Business Rules
The Enterprise Groups infrastructure is provisioned with a number of group from which membership can be populated from an automated source. This document describes the various sets of automated groups and how you can find them in Active Directory.
All automated Enterprise Groups in Active Directory can be found in Within this OU you will find four separate sub-OUs, each of which contains all the groups for a particular set of groups.
Automated Groups Catalog
Here is a list of all of the various types of groups available through the Enterprise Groups Automated Groups. See below for a more precise definition of the business rules that define each set of automated groups.
Class Groups (per-section, per-term)
- Students and instructors associated with a particular class.
Cal Poly Person Type Groups
- Persons that are assocated with a specific person type (i.e. state staff, student, etc).
Plan Groups
- Students that are assigned a particular plan.
State Human Resources Department Groups
- Staff that are working in a specific department (excluding student employees).
Class Groups (per-section, per-term)
Groups Business Rules
- Name format: Class - <subject>-<class number>-<section>-<term code>
- Example name: AERO-310-01-2136
- A group is created for every class section.
- Includes class sections for the current term and two prior terms.
- Class groups are separated into different OUs based on term (i.e. class groups for term 2138 are located at /Groups/Automated/Class/2138).
Membership Business Rules
- All students in the class section (including students in "P" and "non-P" sections).
- All instructors who are assigned to the class.
Cal Poly Person Type Groups
Groups Business Rules
- Name format: CPPersonType - <cal poly person type>
- Example name: CPPersonType - student
- A group is created for every Cal Poly Person Type that is eligible for services
Membership Business Rules
- All people who have the specified person type.
- Deceased people are excluded.
- People not eligible for services are excluded.
Plan Groups (Majors/Minors)
Groups Business Rules
- Name format: Plan - <Plan description> (<Plan>)
- Example name: Plan - Accounting (40GSAMSG)
- A group is created for all distinct Plans
Membership Business Rules
- All students and continuing ed students that are assigned to the specified plan.
- Only plans in active program are included.
State Human Resources Department Groups
Groups Business Rules
Two groups are created for every current department in the State Human Resources department tree.
"Only" group is for members of a specific department (Dept ID).
- Name format: StateHRDept - <department description> (<deptID> Only)
- Example name: StateHRDept - IS-ITS-Apps & Info Systems (135100 Only)
"All" group is for members of a specific department (Dept ID) PLUS all members of any descendant departments within the department tree hierarchy.
- Name format: StateHRDept - <department description> (<deptID> All)
- Example name: StateHRDept - IS-ITS-Apps & Info Systems (135100 All)
"Only" group is for members of a specific department (Dept ID).
Membership Business Rules
"Only" group
- All employees in the specified department.
- Excludes student employee jobs.
"All" group
- All employees in the specified department PLUS all employees in descendant departments within the department tree hierarchy.
- Employees in descendant departments are added by way of that department's "All" group.
- Employees in the specified department are added by way of the specified departments "Only" group.